April 14, 2022
A New kind of Space Tourism
The aerospace industry is known for creating and modifying materials to improve the functionality and operability of their spacecrafts, satellites, etc. Often times they use vacuum deposition to coat the surfaces of their creations to optimize weight and performance characteristics by reducing use of heavier parts or to improve heat and wear resistance. Whatever the project vacuum deposition is a common process in the aerospace field. In fact, this very process will likely be used by a new entrant in the space tourism market that looks to offer a new way to appreciate space. Space perspective is an American space tourism company that looks to introduce a luxury appeal to space tourism. The company plans to use large balloons to launch luxury space cabins into earth's upper atmosphere. The construction of these cabins will surely require vacuum deposition to strengthen their build without adding too much weight or mass especially cosidering that they will be lunched using large balloons. Apparently, these cabins are fully decked out with comfortable seating, large windows, and even a bar and other amenities. Read more about this project here.